Chris Wolter might just be the most interesting man in wakesurfing. He owns his own surf company called Zombie Surf Co., he founded WSSL, a nonprofit organization that teaches veterans and Down syndrome children to wakesurf and, of course, he absolutely kills it on the water, taking the win at seven pro events just this past year alone.

Have a gasoline sponsor, or have free rent in a house on the lake for the year?
Chris: I would for sure rather have the free rent.
Get a toilet-paper sponsor that pays you six figures a year, or ride for a boat company for free?
Chris: Def the toilet-paper (two-ply) sponsor. That would be epic.
Wakesurf on a wooden door for a month, or wakesurf behind a 1989 inboard for a month?
Chris: Probably surf the inboard. I would get really good insurance for it and run it into the ground.
Always have girls on the boat but never get to wakesurf again, or never have girls on the boat and wakesurf forever?
Chris: I would stick with the wakesurfing forever. The girls rarely chip in for gas.
Win Video of the Year, or win a Wakesurf Tour event?
Chris: I’d probably prefer to win Video of the Year. In my opinion, it’s a much harder accomplishment.
Get 10,000 more Instagram followers, or $1,000?
Chris: I would stick with the $1,000. I rarely have time for my Instagram.
Take a fin to the shin when riding at home, or ride in an event with no ballast in the boat?
Chris: I would rather take the fin to the shin. It would hurt, but riding with no ballast is the worst.
Wakesurf on a super-short but deep lake, or on an endlessly long but shallow lake?
Chris: I would rather wakesurf on the short, deep lake — better waves and I can practice my tricks with more speed.
Have magazine coverage for a year, or have Kanye give you a shout-out?
Chris: Have magazine coverage for a year. I’ll send Kanye a copy.