Obscura Wakeskates is set to premiere its much-anticipated team video, Washed Up Before We Were Has Beens, on Saturday, Aug. 21, in Orlando, Florida.
More than two years in the making, Washed Up Before We Were Has Beens features the riding of the diverse Obscura Wakeskates team, which includes Aaron Reed, Danny Hampson, Grant Roberts, Travis Doran, James Balzer, Stefan Schriewer, and Kyle Hyams.
Downtown Orlando’s Cameo Theater will host the premiere. Doors open at 8 p.m. and the film screens at 10 p.m. The event is open to all ages and a full beer and wine bar is available for those 21 and up.
Cameo Theater
1013 East Colonial Dr.
Orlando, FL 32803
For more info, go to obscura09.com.