
The Wrapped Dum Dum

Rider: Brannan Johnson
Level: Advanced

The dum-dum is a front roll with a blind 360 and is a highly advanced move. Although doing it wrapped makes it easier, you should be very good at wakeboarding before you go twisting yourself into this one. Set up for a toeside wake jump and wrap the handle behind you for a blind spin. Do the same cut as you would on a tootsie roll and pop up before you let go of the little handle. Keep a good amount of tension on the large handle so that it will spin you all the way around to 360. The big difference in this move comes when you have already spun 180 degrees blind. Spot your landing, but at the same time reach your free hand around to grab the big handle again so your body keeps going and you complete the move back to the forward position.

Rider’s Tip:
It helps to practice wrapped toeside blind 3s to get used to the spin and getting your hand back on the handle.
