
Shred Stixx Blowfish 2006

For riders 220 lbs plus. This popular model of the Fish Stixx Series was developed out of demand. Hundreds of riders contacted us explaining they already had a pop-out type board that just would not allow them to keep up with the boat while wakesurfung. Other hand shaped brands also did not work because they were too narrow and thin.

The Shred Stixx Fish Series “BlowFish” is the answer to their problems. This Stix gives them the same driving speed our smaller riders have enjoyed for YEARS.

The “BlowFish is shaped even wider and thicker but still has all the advanced, 40 years of knowledge, built into it. Allowing them to effortlessly maintain there speed needed to keep up with the boat, WITHOUT loseing the manuverability needed to get that


close simulation of surfing in the ocean.

Again, find out how a lifetime of research and development, which you ONLY get from Shred Stixx, THE ORIGINAL WAKESURFING COMPANY, can make your riding the best experience possible.

Length 6’0″


Width 23″

Thickness 2-3/4″
