
Selfies – Danny Hampson

What is your doppelganger?

I’m a sea gull just squawking my way around. It was sad when I figured that out.

What is your biggest fear?


I think my greatest fear is heights but I’m also terrified of being alone. So being stuck somewhere really high where no one would visit me would be awful. Like poor quasi modo. I freaked myself out just thinking about that.

How do you rate your own dancing skills?

I like to think I’m a great dancer. I’m not sure what other people think or care, I dance like no ones watching.


How do you express your creative side?

Mostly through lovemaking. But since this is a “selfie” interview I like to write poems on paper and put them in bottles to send out to sea, or if im in Orlando on a lake. I think lots more people find them in the lake.

What would you prepare for dinner if Obama were in attendance?


Well I can’t cook anything except breakfast so that’s what we would be having. Main course of eggs with a side of sausage and bacon with pancakes to finish. I think he would love it.

What would you do if you weren’t a pro wakeskater?

That’s the million dollar question! I think about that every year in late December and have a tough time with the answer. Something on a boat I guess.


Do you laugh out loud by yourself?

I LOL all the time.

Do you go to the movies alone?

Never! Like I said I don’t like being alone at all.

Have you ever instagrammed a meal?

Yeah I’m guilty. It was actually Josh Letchworth’s meal though and I think one time I instagrammed some lobsters that were being prepared but not cooked.

Have you ever tweeted or facebooked that you went to the gym?

My life is a workout so I would literally have to be posting that all day if I started, so no.
