Next contender to have her portfolio tossed into the mix is Kristal Hammond, a 26-year-old model and personal trainer-to-be from Waroona, Western Australia. An avid wakeboarder herself, Kristal was just as excited about hearing that she was a contender for the overall 2013 Rockstar Miss TransWorld Model Search, as she was for her younger cousin Ebony Page, also announced as an official contender. Kristal will join Ebony in the pool of applicants. Don’t be confused as you look through the gallery, Kristal apparently likes to change her hair color from time to time.
We see you were posing with a Byerly Board, is that your board of choice? A friend of mine who competes Nationally and Internationally Dylan Oderisio put me onto the Byerly board and havent looked back since.
You mentioned that you ride behind your friend’s Malibu, any plans of buying your own one day? Would definitely love to one day just to have that freedom to go every weekend but having a a pretty good time with the crew we go so cant complain.
As an International Glamour model, where has your job taken you? I have been lucky enough to go throughout Australia several times and spend a month in China and Japan. Looking forward to exploring Europe next year and hopefully making my way over to America. I have been pretty fortunate in shooting all my International Publications here in Western Australia with some very talented photographers.
Tell us about your perfect day out on the boat. Hot summers day with glassy flat water, good tunes, good crew and a few drinks between rides.
Can you do an impression of an American accent? Haha I won’t lie I have impersonated the American Accent a few times. Is it good? I would say it isnt bad … but probably not good either! Haha Who is your favorite wakeboarder? Cory Peach RIP Turn ons: Sense of humor and fun loving personality Turn offs: Arrogence and self obsession
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Kristal Hammond | Miss TransWorld WAKEBOARDING Contender 2013