Get behind the wheel of the latest Tige wakeboard boats with the 2011 Tige Boat Guide App, which is available on both the iPhone and iPad. The app, which includes every 2011 Tige wakeboard boat model, is packed full of the important information you need to know before buying your next wakeboarding boat. Watch videos that highlight each Tige wakeboard boat’s features, wake shape and size, and overall performance. Next, flip and zoom your way through extensive photo galleries and look up everything from each boat’s length and seating capacity to maximum ballast and horsepower. When you’re ready to take a test drive, use the app to request a Tige brochure and locate your local dealer.
Download the Tige 2011 Boat Guide App now or search “Tige” in the App Store.
The 2011 Tige Boat Guide App features:
Expanded, boat-specific photo and video galleries not only show you a wakeboard boat’s overall look, they also highlight the details, features and wakes of Tige’s 2011 wakeboard boats.
When you’re ready to explore the 2011 Tige wakeboard boats in person, the app will help you locate and contact the dealer nearest you.
Stay up to the minute on all things Tige Boats with news feeds that constantly download information about wakeboarding events, boat and product news, and updates from the Tige Boats athletes throughout the year.