
the Ride: Derek Grasman’s New WBM Blog

My name is Derek Grasman, and this is my weekly blog for WAKEBOARDING magazine. I am not the reigning King of Wake — that’s Aaron Rathy’s job. I am not the Best Wakeboarder of 2009 or World Champion either. Those are Aaron Rathy’s jobs too. Nor am I winner of the Best Video Performance or any other award, because everything else it seems is Danny Harf’s job. I won a lot of contests as a junior, but that’s a lifetime ago. I am a professional wakeboarder, though, which may be one of the reasons I got this blog. Another reason may be the simplest fact of them all: just like you, I love wakeboarding. A lot. I love everything about wakeboarding. I love riding behind the boat, riding the cable, winching, reading about wakeboarding, and watching wakeboarding movies (with the exception of one). And lastly, I love writing about wakeboarding. That’s what this blog is going to be about. I mean what did you expect? It’s on the Ride is going to be about wakeboarding, but it probably won’t be like the stuff you normally read. You’re probably not going to read about my crazy trip to some tropical foreign country. Or about the awesome session I had with the world’s best pros and how we pushed each other so hard. I am going to try and focus on the small things. The things that make all of us love wakeboarding so much. Things like slayshing the wake or that sometimes a big wake doesn’t matter. Or how when it comes down to it, we really need contests no matter what they say. It is going to be honest and it is going to be true. I like to think it is also going to be good, so check every week and see what I’m talking about.

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