
Liquid Force Angel 130 2007

The most successful girl’s board ever! This board will help any girl ride fearlessly and have more fun than ever before. This slim and lightweight board provides a responsive grip that initiates turns with little effort. A double concave hull and variable edge will make any Angel ride smoother and faster than they ever thought possible. (Available in 130 & 134)

Cupped Side Fins Placed Wide at the Tip and Tail

-Cupped fins are more effective in every aspect: hold better, release quicker, faster with less drag. Also helps your board hold better switch-stance, frontside, toeside, backside, heelside. Solid and consistent tracking from any side.


Variable Edges

-There’s no catch – Soft in the middle – Forgiving when neutral, spins faster off the wake, land still spinning – Sharpens as it nears the tail – Locks and holds edge into the water when weight is transferred into the edging position.

Classic Rocker


-Smooth, consistent, predictable solid pop into the flats. Fastest rocker line available.

Single to Double Concave

-Fast water flow for smooth landings and relentless speed.


Sculpted Top Deck w/ Flex Enhancers

-Light weight – Stiffens snap and response.
