If you are in the market for an entirely new setup, there are a few ways to go about this. You can either buy your gear a la carte, or buy a wakeboard and boots that are sold together as a package. There are a few reasons why buying a package setup might be the best route for you.
If you are aiming to meet the needs of unequipped guests of a similar height, weight and foot size, or you have kids who are growing too quickly for their gear to keep up, this is the way to go. These package boards tend to have user-friendly shapes accompanied by boots that can be adjusted to fit multiple foot sizes.
The second, and probably most obvious, reason is the price. To make it easier to get into the sport as an entry-level consumer, manufacturers offer a discounted price when you buy an entry-level board and boots together. These packages are usually paired by skill level, price point, size, gender and graphics.