I’ve ridden for Nautique Boats for more than 15 years. I first fell in love with the boats when I rode behind the first-ever wakeboard-specific boat in 1997: the Air Nautique. Fast forward 20 years, and I’ve been on a lot of boats. It’s amazing how far these wakeboard and wakesurf boats have come, especially my boat of choice, the Nautique G23. What I love the most is how versatile the boat is. Being able to wakeboard, surfing both sides of the boat without moving weight, and comfortably cruising the lake have never been so easy.

How I Ride It
Speed: 23.2 mph
Rope length: 75 feet
Custom settings: When I ride, I have the ballast tanks full with the NCRS set at 5, but I can easily change the wake to accommodate beginner riders too. The NCRS allows the boat to efficiently create a big wake without plowing its way on plane, and the boat can also ride at slower speeds with a clean wake.
Ballast: I ride with internal ballast full across the board. If it’s just myself and one or two other riders, I’ll add extra weight with Ronix Eight.3 ballast bags in the rear lockers and lead bags in the bow to mimic the weight setup at a contest.
How I Surf It
Speed: 11.2 mph
Custom settings: NCRS set to 5 and the NSS at zero. The wave is incredible just like that!
Ballast: Same as when I wakeboard. For a younger/smaller surfer, I’ll actually drain some.
How I Hang Out
The boat has everything you need for enjoying your time on the water. I like the in-floor cooler and open seating. The driver’s seat is also newly designed, making sitting sideways and looking back at the rider and hanging with friends in the boat much easier. The JL Audio sound system and LED cup holders are enough to entertain anyone not willing to get wet. My wife and I, and our dog, Buddy, regularly take the boat out on the lake to just chill with our friends.