Take a journey through the last decade with one of the most impactful riders of the era: Daniel Grant. There’s a reason we named Daniel Grant to the list of 10 Most Influential Riders of the Decade (actually, there are countless reasons), and nothing proves the argument more than this 8-minute package of highlights. Video editor and fellow wakeskater Andy Kolb amassed an amazing collection of clips from throughout the last ten years, in which Daniel logged more miles and visited more countries than probably any other wakeboarder, and put them into an epic retrospective.

If you’re a fan of Daniel’s, or just wakeboarding and wakeskating in general, you know how crazy his story is and the impact he’s had. You can take a deeper dive into all of that via his website – waketao.com. Daniel has been putting together a video history collection of the last ten years, and it’s awesome to look back at.

While Daniel says thanks to everybody for all of the support and allowing him to express himself on the water, we have to say thank you to Daniel for everything he has given us. His passion for riding, from his early days as a sugar-filled, mop-headed grom to today as a seasoned veteran, has impacted fans and the sports in ways that can’t be described or calculated.