Thomas Herman Awarded Wakeboarding’s 2023 Trick of the Year

Herman's triple backroll propelled him into the history books.

Editor’s Note: For a variety of reasons, we did not produce Wake Awards this year. We are making plans for next year. However, Thomas Herman’s amazing feat demanded attention. We thank Ben Greenwood, the Boarding School, Parks Bonifay, and all who helped honor Thomas. Please enjoy the video.

Video: Jake Snider Films

The official Wake Awards Trick of the Year is a distinction that can be earned in a singular moment. Of course, the work put in to create that moment can take endless hours of attempts and a lifetime of dedication to build to that event. For the 2023 season, were there to be a Wake Awards, there was little to no question that Thomas Herman’s triple backroll would be the unanimous Trick of the Year award winner. Wakeboarding, though not running Wake Awards for 2023, banded together with the local Orlando crew of Thomas Herman’s friends, riders, and industry folks to honor Thomas in his unforgettable accomplishment. Check out how the celebration went down.