What is your name and where do you live?
A. My name is Hinata Yoshihara, but I like to be called Hena. I’m from Hiroshima prefecture, Japan.
You live on an island off of Japan. What was it like growing up on an island?
A. Growing up on the island was amazing. My dad, Terumasa, owns a wakeboard school called SeaCrew on the island and I help him with the school. He wakeboards as well and pulls me everyday in the sea. There are a lot of beautiful mountains on the island and in my free time I love hiking with my dog. Since the mainland is near, I can go over the bridge to hangout with my friends in the city!
How long have you been wakeboarding?
A. I have been wakeboarding for 13 years since I was 9 years old.
What was the first wakeboarding trick you learned?
A. The first trick I learned was the front roll.

This is your first trip to the U.S. to wakeboard and are training with Glen at O’town Watersports. What have you learned?
A. In 2 weeks I learned a Blind180, Blind360, Backroll to blind, TsBackroll, Ts Backroll to revert and a Mobydick! I met a lot of people and had so much fun wakeboarding in the U.S. It was amazing! I also learned guitar from Glen! He had guitars that I could practice with everyday!
What is your favorite American food?
A. I love cheeseburgers and french fries, macaroni & cheese and tacos!!
You lived with Shota Tezuka for a few weeks and I heard you two played poker. Is he a good poker player?
A. He’s a pretty good at poker, but I’m a pretty good player too! Shota was great to live with and he introduced me to the Florida wakeboard lifestyle!

You are a 4-time Japanese Champion and 2 time WWA Asian Champion! What are your plans for 2022?
A. My plan is be back in America again in July to compete in the World Games in Alabama. Then I want to compete in the WWA Wakeboard Nationals and Worlds! I am so excited, this will my time competing in the United States.
Who do you want to give a shout out to?
A. First of all, I would like to thank my sponsors RONIX wakeboard’s, Advance Industry and Kyoizumi Industry for supporting me. I also want to thank my family for sending me to America. It has been an amazing adventure! And of course, a big thank you to Shota and O’town for being so welcoming!