For the past few years Robby Maschhaupt has spent his summers on the water teaching others the joys of wakeboarding and wakesurfing. As an avid fan of riding, Robby has wanted to give back, and he’s done more than his fair share by passing the handle to thousands of others, all free of charge. His efforts, dedication, and passion are a big reason he won the inaugural #PASStheHANDLE award at the 2017 Wake Awards. For 2019 he’s going bigger and better by teaming up with Centurion Boats, Roswell Marine, and Carolina Water Sports.
Next year you’ll find Robby in a custom wrapped Ri257 towing people all over the Carolinas, all free of charge. As of now there are over 70 PTH events scheduled out of Holiday Marina, Trump National and the Peninsula Yacht Club on Lake Norman. There will be nine other PTH events on these lakes:
- Belews Creek, NC 5/18
- Lake Tillery, NC 5/25-26
- Badin Lake, NC 6/1
- Lake Hickory, NC 6/15
- Lake Murray, SC 6/29
- Lake Keowee, SC 6/30
- Lake James, NC 8/10
- Lake Wylie, SC 8/24
Also included in Robby’s PTH calendar are these three special events:
- WAKE n FLAKE – Queen’s Landing, Lake Norman, NC – 3/9
- Carolina Water Sports Surf Jam – Queen’s Landing, Lake Norman, NC – 5/11
- Three day Wake for Warriors event – 6/3-6
Head over to Robby’s website to sign up for the events, and encourage your friends who have never ridden to give it a shot! It’s the least you can do to pass the handle to others. More than anything, Robby loves teaching others how to pass the handle themselves, so give him a follow and look for ideas and tips!

In addition to Centurion and Roswell, the sponsors that make Robby’s #PASSTHEHANDLE initiatives possible are: