The 2014 Surf Expo Shop Shootout was a huge success. Not only was it well attended, but everyone involved had a good time and some walked away with more than they expected — including brand new 2015 gear and some highly sought after new tricks. Looks like you’ll have to mark your calendar for next year. Check out the recap!

First of all, the venue was perfect. OWC hosted the event and closed the cable to the public. There was music, games being played, and new 2015 gear everywhere you looked. It gave everyone a chance to socialize before Surf Expo kicked off and even those who didn’t participate in the riding were still having a great time.

The shootout concept was simple: Each participant was divided into one of 5 teams represented by each board brand. Each rider would get an hour to ride the cable and work on a trick they haven’t ever done before. The pro riders from each brand would coach their team, and then they would compete. Each rider was scored on a scale from 1 – 5. If the rider perfectly executed their goal trick, then they would be scored a 5. You get the idea. The best part about this format, is it doesn’t matter what the trick is. It could simply be to make a full lap around the cable and that rider could be scored a 5 on it. The goal was to try something new under the tutelage of their assigned brand. They were also granted access to 2015 gear if they preferred (which almost everyone did).

I met up with a few of the participants representing dealers from all over the country to get their feedback. There were a few that stood out. I noticed that Stephen Pierce was participating with his little grom ripper teammate Daniel Johnson. It was cool to see those two interacting and riding really well.

“Super pumped to shred the new 2015 Liquid Force gear out here with my IcyWakes teammate and little bro Daniel Johnson at the Surf Expo Shop Shootout!”
– Stephen Pierce
“It was really fun to ride in the Shop Shootout, but it was a little late at night cause it was dark. Glad I got to represent IcyWakes Surf Shop and ride my Liquid Force Super Trip. Happy my IcyWakes teammate Stephen Pierce was there to ride with me and it was cool all the other Pro riders where there and watched me ride. I’m going to land my trick next year!”
– Daniel Johnson

I also got to hang out with a buddy of mine, Bret Nowell from BoardCo, during the shootout. Bret and I go way back, and you can see him photobombing most of my photos in this article — but that’s not why he is featured here. He had an experience in particular that I think was a perfect example of just how good this event was. I’ll let him tell you about it.

Left: Shaun Murray | Right: Bret Nowell
“The Shop Shoot Out was amazing. With the new concept this year, it brought a bit more excitement for those that attend every year. We were asked to work on a trick that we have been struggling with. I really wanted to land a 720. It’s been my goal year after year. I could always get close before, but I knew I was missing something simple. After sharing my trick with Shaun Murray, he gave me the trick tips that I have been missing. He told me to pull the handle to my hip and at the same time, thrust my hips toward the handle. I told him I would try and he replied, “you won’t try, you will do it”. My first attempt after speaking with Murray, I landed it. Can’t express how stoked I was to land that spin after trying for 3 yrs. loved it!”
– Bret Nowell

As it turned out, Team O’Brien took home the title and the prize; Each rider got to hand pick their 2015 setup and bring it home for free. Pretty awesome prize if you ask me! Overall, it was a great time. Check out the photo gallery below for more about the event!