|**The Test: Red Bull Cola **($1.29, 8 oz.; $1.69, 12 oz.; redbull.com) We started hearing rumors of a cola from Red Bull back in April, when the new all-natural drink made its initial launch in Austria, Switzerland, Italy, UK, Ireland and Russia. We were eager to try it, of course, but didn’t get a chance until Surf Expo weekend here in Orlando. In fact, raiding the ice-filled Red Bull coolers was one of the first things we did before heading to the WBM booth. The new cola, which launches in the U.S. this month, has a throwback taste with an understated sweetness that reminded us of swigging RC Cola as kids. We chalk that up to Red Bull Cola’s 100-percent natural ingredients. Instead of artificial flavors and high-fructose corn syrup, Red Bull Cola is made from old-school cola ingredients like coca leaf and kola nut as well as natural flavors like lemon/lime, vanilla, licorice and orange. The true test came when we mixed the new cola into a couple cocktails while watching the Red Bull Wake Lab event on Downtown Orlando’s Lake Eola. It succeeded there as well, and we suspect you’ll be seeing a lot more of these new red-and-blue 8.4-ounce cans in bars, restaurants and nightclubs later this year. Keep your eyes out for it in 12-ounce cans in grocery and convenience stores.|