
TSR FreezeRide Recap

Sure as always Saturday was cold and rainy, but a beautiful Sunday more than made up for it. The cable wakeboarders braved the frigid conditions on Saturday, but the boat competitions were postponed until Sunday, which gave more time for the Texas Hold’em Tournament that had 64 competitors fighting for cash and prizes.

With 84 riders (many of which competed in both the cable and boat comps) 2008 was the biggest year yet. Tom Fooshee dominated the field in the men’s pro wakeboard cable division, and Bret Little edged out the competition in the men’s pro wakeskate cable division.

With the weather getting worse on Saturday and the boat comp being postponed until Sunday, the crowd headed inside for the Texas Ski Ranch fashion show. It was full of locals displaying the latest spring break apparel for the 2008 season. The Texas Hold’em tournament began directly after and was won by Oury Yarbrough
