2nd Annual Byerly Toe Jam
Final Results April 22-23, 2005
For the second year in a row, the Scott Byerly Toe Jam wakeskating contest
brought the best wakeskaters in the world together, competing in the best
possible conditions in three categories at The Projects in Bithlo, Florida.
The level of riding in the wake (boat) finals was incredible, with Brian
Grubb going head to head with George Daniels for the title.
Grubb rode first and completely killed it with a stand up run including many technical wake-to-wake moves and he also linked together a good lip-trick section. Highlights of the wake-to-wake action was his toeside shove-indy, heelside melan board varial, toeside shove-indy 180 and 360 off the double up. Daniels pushed it very hard as well, almost catching up to Grubb’s unbelievable run, matching many tricks and adding his own flavor as well, but it was Grubb who came out on top, repeating his wake (boat) title for the second year in a row.
As the sun went down, the lights came on and the Best Trick Winch title was
on the line. The large pool had two different down-rails on either side, so
the riders had many options to throw down their best effort. After the
riders voted on best trick, Grubb c
ame out on top with his frontside
lipslide, frontside 90 shove-out. This not only gave Grubb two titles on the
weekend, but also gave him the only title he has not yet won at the Toe Jam.
Saturday consisted of PWC competition all day and the head-to-head final saw
two relatively new riders battling it out. Brandon Thomas rode well, but
Clint Tompkins, who was not on the invite list, but qualified for the event,
took top honors. His rail riding proved to be strong, with a frontside
lipslide across the huge Performance rail and boardslide down the
WakeBoarding Magazine green, kinked rail.
Congrats to Tompkins for an unbelievable weekend of riding and Brian Grubb,
for his repeat of a two-title Toe Jam weekend.
Scott Byerly would like to thank, O’Neill, Hyperlite, Nautiques, Yamaha,
Arnette, Southeast Correct Craft, Reef, WakeBoarding Magazine and
Rail and Wake results below:
2nd Annual Byerly Toe Jam
Rail (PWC) Results
Sat., April 23, 2005
First place advances, all others go to LCQ (last chance qualifier)
As the sun went down, the lights came on and the Best Trick Winch title was
on the line. The large pool had two different down-rails on either side, so
the riders had many options to throw down their best effort. After the
riders voted on best trick, Grubb came out on top with his frontside
lipslide, frontside 90 shove-out. This not only gave Grubb two titles on the
weekend, but also gave him the only title he has not yet won at the Toe Jam.
Saturday consisted of PWC competition all day and the head-to-head final saw
two relatively new riders battling it out. Brandon Thomas rode well, but
Clint Tompkins, who was not on the invite list, but qualified for the event,
took top honors. His rail riding proved to be strong, with a frontside
lipslide across the huge Performance rail and boardslide down the
WakeBoarding Magazine green, kinked rail.
Congrats to Tompkins for an unbelievable weekend of riding and Brian Grubb,
for his repeat of a two-title Toe Jam weekend.
Scott Byerly would like to thank, O’Neill, Hyperlite, Nautiques, Yamaha,
Arnette, Southeast Correct Craft, Reef, WakeBoarding Magazine and
Rail and Wake results below:
2nd Annual Byerly Toe Jam
Rail (PWC) Results
Sat., April 23, 2005
First place advances, all others go to LCQ (last chance qualifier)
Heat One
1.) George Daniels
2.) Scott Byerly
3.) Steve Schoenhals
4.) Tim Kovacich (did not ride)
Heat Two
1.) Clint Tompkins
2.) Ryan Doyle
3.) Brian Grubb
4.) Danny Hampson
Heat Three
1.) Brandon Thomas
2.) Phillip Basino
3.) Kyle Walton
4.) Jono Boysen
Heat Four
1.) Thomas Horrell
2.) Aaron Reed
3.) Drew McGuckin
LCQ (Last Chance Qualifier)
First place advances
Heat One
1.) Scott Byerly
2.) Drew McGuckin
3.) Phillip Basino
Heat Two
1.) Brian Grubb
2.) Jono Boysen
Heat Three 36691