It’s BACK. The molded-in fin board that caused all the commotion last year is back for 2003. The Prodigy was designed to be a smooth and forgiving board that can seemingly transition from wake riding straight into a slider park without any adjustments. Designed with pop off the wake and easy landings in mind, the Prodigy has evolved into a shape that has pushed riders to new limits. And with the overwhelming response of our national team of groms killing it on a 136cm Prodigy, CWB has built a new 132cm Prodigy for these young demanding riders. Every 2003 Prodigy has smoother rails which will give you even more acceleration into the wake. Designed and ridden by Rob Strhuarik, the the Prodigy has been pushed to the limits and tested in every way possible. “Every day I ride my 132, I can’t help but have a blast on the water. When I was younger my parents always said that hard work will pay off, and it sure has – with the design of this board. We tested and tested shapes one after the other and fine tuned each modification. It won’t make it a success if we sell a million, it makes it a success every time someone can’t believe how much they enjoy riding it.” Rob Struharik.