The perfect do-everything board. We designed the Ride with a few things in mind. First not many people have the luxury of monster wakes to session on their wakesurfer. The Ride was built with the fastest rocker line we have ever created making it slaysh with minimal drag. Many riders enjoy the ability to swing the surfer around and ride it backwards. For this purpose we placed a small fiberglass nose fin on the Ride. It gives the surfer a sense of control while switching it up. With these features you have a board that works great on smaller wakes and also for the newbie’s who desire that first rope free feel. The Ride also boasts a sharp rail down the full length of the board to bite into the wake and eliminate the washed out feel of a rolled edge. Toss in an EVA tip protector, molded kick tail, four fiberglass fins and a free instructional DVD and you have the best wakesurfer in the world.