Winter’s closing in, but there’s still time to learn how to wakeboard better in 2011. To make things easier on you, we’ve assembled The Boarding School‘s top 10 wakeboard how tos of 2011. On the following pages, Shaun Murray, Travis Moye and Kyle Rattray will show you how to improve everything from your fundamentals and style to your driving.

1. 5 Ways To Fix Your Foundation
Teaching students how to get more out of their riding by doing less is the technique Shaun Murray and the crew at The Boarding School use most. In this wakeboarding how to, Murray shows you five fundamentals of a first-rate wake jump that you should employ on every trick you try. Read the full wakeboard how to.

2. 3 Simple Secrets To Better Style
Style is one of the most subjective and debated topics in any board sport, but for the most part it comes down to control. In this wakeboard how to, Shaun Murray gives you some ingredients to cook up your own style. Read the full wakeboard how to.

3. How To Fix Your Toeside Riding
Put the effort into your toeside riding and you can totally change the sport for yourself. Not only will it make you a more balanced rider, but it’ll expand your bag of tricks as well. In this wakeboard how to, Shaun Murray shows you the proper toeside body position as well as a one-wake drill that will have you riding toeside like a pro in no time. Read the full wakeboard how to.

4. How To Dial In Your Perfect Rope Length
Deciding on how long a rope to ride is a tricky thing. While a shorter rope reduces the distance you have to jump, it also creates an abbreviated approach into the wake, and having time to properly set up will drastically affect your wake jumps. In this wakeboard how to, The Boarding School’s Kyle Rattray shows you how to find the perfect rope length for your riding. Read the full wakeboard how to.

5. Wrapped Wakeboard Tricks Made Easy
There are tons of reasons to learn wrapped tricks. Doing something wrapped is a great way to ease your way into learning how to spin with a handle pass; it also allows you to hold grabs longer when you eliminate a handle pass. In this wakeboard how to, Kyle Rattray shows you how to make wrapped wakeboard tricks easy. Read the full wakeboard how to.

6. 8 Simple Secrets To Perfect Powerslides
The powerslide is a simple but fun trick that’s often ignored because riders are afraid of catching their heelside edge. Like a lot of moves, it requires minimal body movement, but you need to find the keys to make your powerslide look smooth and effortless. Read the full wakeboard how to.

7. Travis Moye’s Top 5 Driving Tips
To be a good driver, the first thing you have to do is try to be a good driver. The most important thing is to pull someone like you want to be pulled. In this wakeboard how to, Pro Wakeboard Tour driver Travis Moye gives you a few boat driving tips you can focus on to make sure you at least look like you know what you’re doing behind the wheel. Read the full wakeboard how to.

8. 4 Ways To Have More Fun On The Water
Not to say wakeboarding ever gets boring, but sometimes when you’ve had a lot of time on the water your riding routine can become a bit repetitive. In this wakeboard how to, Shaun Murray and The Boarding School crew show you four ways to have more fun on the water this summer. Read the full wakeboard how to.

9. How To Ride Away Every Time
Stomped is a pretty popular term in wakeboarding. Usually, it refers to a rider cleanly landing a trick — you know, something along the lines of: “You stomped that one, buddy!” The truth is, you should never literally stomp your landings. In this wakeboard how to, The Boarding School’s Kyle Rattray shows you six keys to smooth consistent landings. Read the full wakeboard how to.

10. How To Wrangle Your Rope
You can avoid dealing with knots as you get ready to ride with some simple wrangling. In this wakeboard how to, Shaun Murray shows you the right way to wrangle your rope to avoid knots. Read the full wakeboard how to.