I see so many talented riders all over the world working on new moves, trying out new styles and, basically, just living the wakeboarding lifestyle. But you can’t be on everyone’s boat all the time, so I think the Internet is an amazing way to share what you’re doing on your lake or river with the rest of our community. Whether it’s for mywake.tv or your Facebook profile, a demo video to get sponsored or just a way to show your friends what you’ve been up to, every rider should be making and posting their own videos. It’s the fastest way to share the progression of the sport. Here are some tips to improve the steeze of your Web videos.
Decide on your shots A lot of times, I get in the boat, start riding and hanging out and just sort of let the filming flow. But if you decide on certain shots you want to get before you go out, you can stay more committed to getting them. I like to watch some of my favorite videos and then go out and try to replicate the best shots from them. Your shots will always have their own feel because you filmed them in different conditions, but it’s a good place to start.
Mix it up If you only shoot from the back of the same boat that’s towing your subject, your video isn’t going to be all that interesting. You need to switch up your angles. Try shooting from shore, or get a friend to bring out a second boat or a PWC so you can chase the action. If another boat isn’t an option, hook up a tube to the back of the boat and hop in. Just make sure you’re within a safe distance from the rider, and invest in a waterproof housing or bag for your camera – it will definitely get wet.
Consider the light It’s usually best to keep yourself between the sun and the rider so you’re sure to get full light on your subject with little glare. Also, keep in mind that you get the best light in the early morning and the late evening, when the sun is lower on the horizon. Plus, that’s when it’s the calmest, so try to get out at those times of the day.
Edit carefully Make sure to keep your video fast-paced so you keep people’s attention. Start about two seconds before takeoff and keep filming just long enough to show that the rider landed the trick. Anything else usually just slows down the pace.
Show your personality Riding is probably the most important part of making a video, but it doesn’t have to be the only thing. Don’t be afraid to show you and your crew’s personality. Mix into your riding footage some clips of you hanging out with friends or fun times on the boat. That’s one thing that makes our sport so cool and fun, and it’s always good to show that and keep people pumped to do the same in their own scene.
Need some inspiration? Check out some of Bonifay’s videos at shanebonifay.com or pointless.com. Also check out his section in Box of Fun, which releases this summer.
Words: Shane Bonifay Photo: Spencer Smith