
Hitting a Kicker

Kickers — kids love ’em, and pros like to pass them up during their Pro Tour runs. Or wait, kickers — kids love ’em; pros think they’re lame. No, that’s not it. Oh yeah, kickers — kids love ’em, and pros want to kill those kids.

Hold your edge to the beginning of the kicker.

Flatten off right before you hit it.


Bend your knees to load for your pop.

Make sure you get a good pop by getting a good extension.

Keep the handle in tight to your hip.


**Cause and Effect

**Even though kickers are not very long, you still need to keep your weight centered on your board. Kickers are different than launch ramps because of their slight curve. If your weight is a little back, a kicker will cause you to slip out quicker than if you were on a launch ramp.

**Behind the Scenes


**We have found that to keep the rope from catching on the corner of the kicker, it is best to set your kicker at an angle away from the PWC’s path. Make sure you aim for the middle of the kicker in your takeoff.
