Gregg Necrason
Hometown: Winter Park, Florida
Signature Moves: Handle-pass KGB, shifty 540.
Claim to Fame: Necrason lands more grabbed spins in a single set than most riders do in a week. And he may also sleep more in a single day than some riders do in a week.
If a society of super-wakeboarding aliens colonized the earth tomorrow, they’d spare Gregg Necrason so he could show them a thing or two about how to go big with style. Gregg can grab everything, spin in the funkiest of directions and is always working to push the envelope of our sport. A dichotomy of sorts, Necrason is all business while he’s on the water, and his own harshest critic. When he gets mad, he’ll just start digging in and throwing the biggest stuff you’ve ever seen in your life. But the second the board comes off, he is the most easygoing and likable guy around. If Darin and Shaun had a wakeboarding love child, it would be Reggs.