Cobe Mikacich
Hometown: Orlando, Florida
Signature Moves: Giant heelside mobes, crail tantrum, any kind of krypt.
Claim to Fame: The oldest guy on the list at 26, Cobe is as much a kid or more (in the good sense) than any of the others. Best race-car driver too.
Can anyone be having more fun right now than this guy? Consider that Cobe has been wakeboarding in some fashion longer than not (since age 12), and you’ll realize what an amazing accomplishment it is for him to SMILE every time he hits the water. Other young rippers may do more technical moves than Cobe, but in terms of attitude, consistency and how well Cobe represents and promotes the sport, there is no one more deserving of this spot. Although he’s always been a great guy to watch free-ride, this year he has put in the time, effort, and physical conditioning it takes to hang with the youngsters on tour. One more thing: Even if he’s fallen off the party map a little bit recently, don’t ever try to go head to head with the Mikker in a “social” situation. You’ll lose.