Across the glassy waters of the south Florida canal system, in the uncharted territory of female wakeboarders, Tara Hamilton begins her day.
It’s an ordinary life for a 17-year-old, if your idea of an ordinary life includes a cell phone and a flexible school schedule, not to mention a full-fledged mobile sound system and a guard dog in training. Groups of friends and family fit nicely into her private life and surround her quiet personality off the water.
Here begins a day in the life of Tara Hamilton.
First stop: Dunkin Donuts to power up for a guest appearance at school. Her usual order? Plain bagel, strawberry cream cheese, mocha coffee coolatta.
Busting out some schoolwork straight away in the privacy of her kitchen, Tara’s got some exams and papers to hand in. Where was this school when I was 17?
Marie Botved and Tara risk the bad music and Northerners in tights at the gym in mid-morning.
Off to drop off a few items to the teach. I can’t believe there are no logos on her uniform. School for Tara is a dine and dash a few times a week. Nice.
A few looks around make them want to pedal faster, hoping the stationary bike will fly out the door and back into the correct decade.
A midday Okeeheelee run after picking up baby Liebon (read: future 140-pound German shepherd).
Not much wakeboarding activity going on; however, after Tara’s careful review of some photos of Liebon (read: future 140-pound German shepherd), she selects a few for a sequence.
Then it’s Marie, Shaun Moore and Tara out for a mid-afternoon round of various water activity.
Then round out the day by heading back to base in the late-afternoon to make a few calls, and do a
little business.