Today’s society demands answers, and polling has become more faddish than belly rings and goatees. But if you think about it, does polling really tell us anything? If asked, “Do you watch MTV News?” most of you would say yes. But do you really watch MTV News or just flick it on to see how tight Serena Altschul’s shirt is? Exactly. Polling can be useful but can also be a skewed version of public perception – i.e., a popularity contest. If you know that going into it, like we did, that’s OK. Because sometimes, just sometimes, the universe aligns and the most popular rider on the scene may also deserve to be called the very best rider on the scene – in this case, Shaun Belmont Murray. What that says for Serena Altschul, we don’t know, but it doesn’t mean we’re not watching.
Top 10 Men
1. Shaun Murray
2. Scott Byerly
3. Gregg Necrason
4. Parks Bonifay
5. Darin Shapiro
6. Randy Harris
7. Thomas Horrell
8. Cobe Mikacich
9. Mike Weddington
10. Shane Bonifay
Top 5 women
1. Tara Hamilton
2. Tina Bessinger
3. Sarah Cline
4. Andrea Gaytan
5. Dana Preble