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Wakeboard Boat Review
The Super Air Nautique 210 is modular in its features, which means you can scale it down and pay less if you don’t need certain features, but nothing was sacrificed in the tweaks on this legendary hull. The 210 is more affordable than ever before. If you need to beef up specific features—like the ballast or audio—you can do that. If you want to save some money and scale it down, that can happen too. This is one of the most cost effective Nautiques because of its scalable features. One thing we would recommend not passing on is the Nautique Surf System, or NSS. The system lets you surf either side of the boat at the touch of a button. You never have to shift any weight around. On top of that, you can switch the wave on the fly so you can transfer while you’re surfing, which adds a whole new element to the sport that can’t be done without a surf system. And finally, the 210’s sleek interior. The boat got a redesign a couple years ago and it made a huge difference in the style. Marine-grade foam will give your boat longevity, a brand new anthracite finish on metallic surfaces makes for stylish accent points and multiple textured vinyls finish off the interior aesthetics.